
筆譯社價格翻譯社按照前述,that 之前不成以有逗號或介系詞,因此,句一的 who 可以用 that 替代,但句二則不可。
   This is the most difficult question that students can hardly understand.
※注重!假如關代前面是用第一流形容時,只能用 that,不克不及用 who 或 which。

The boy is running.
1. which / that / 或省略
2. who / that
3. whose
4. which
5. Who
6. which / that / 或省略
7. whose
8. which / that
9. who / that
10. whose

可改成:The man who sold you a camera yesterday is my boss.
1. The computer _______ he bought last week was very cheap.
2. The waiter _______ served our table was very friendly.
3. The man _______ hair is brown saved the child.
4. The chair on _______  I was sitting was broken.
5. _______  are you speaking to?
6. This is the book _______ I told about you last Sunday.
7. Is that the lady _______ car is new and expensive?
8. He wears a hat _______ is too big for him.
9. The boy _______ came to the store this morning did not say a word.
10. She is going to the club _______ members are bankers.

關係代名詞(簡稱關代),也就是代名詞的一種,取代了先前呈現的人事物,同時,具有連接詞的功能,將數個短的句子,毗鄰成一個長句。Who 用來取代人、which 則取代事或物,而 that 可與 who / which 替換翻譯然則,that 之前不行以有逗號或介系詞。至於 whose,則為所有格。以下別離說明。

The man is my boss.
是以,上句也可改寫成:The person whom you saw this morning is my mother.
【操演】填入 who翻譯社 whose 或 which,並視情況能否用 that 替代。
【小演習】翻譯:翻譯公司今天早上看到(see, meet)的人是我母親。
【解答】The person who you saw (met) this morning is my mother.
【解答】The house which he lives in is big.

(who 為 saw 的受詞,你今早看到的人)
用 that 替換,則成為:The pen that I am writing with is red.
III. Whose 的用法:取代所有格

是以,上面的解答,可以變成:The person you saw this morning is my mother.

【解答】I like the dogs whose ears are long.

who(that) 取代了 the man,who sold you a camera yesterday 整句在潤飾 the man翻譯
The girl is my sister.
I am writing with the pen.

II. Which 的用法:代替先前泛起過的 "事物"
但是,這裡的關代是 writing with 的受詞(我正在用來寫字的筆),可以省略,是以可以釀成:The pen I am writing with is red.

相幹單元:《關係代名詞進階應用》、《關係副詞 - When翻譯社 Where, Why, How, What》【變形】上面的解答,還可以把介系詞 in 移到關代之前,釀成:The house in which he lives is big. 可是,將介系詞移到關代之前時,關代就不可以省略,也不克不及換成 that翻譯

【英語教室】19. 關係代名詞 - Who翻譯社 Whose, Which, That

【英語教室】開張以來,只剩二個主要的文法觀念遲遲未講解:關係代名詞 (Relative Pronouns)、假定法翻譯固然還有很多細瑣的觀念,但假如確切掌控了【英語教室】的所有單位,已可以讀懂絕大多數的句型了翻譯(固然,背單字就要靠列位自行起勁了)

 例:This is the best book that I have ever read.

The man sold you a camera yesterday.

I. Who 的用法:取代先前泛起過的 "人"
【問題】上句的 which,可弗成以省略?

The boy that is running is my brother.

The pen is red.

上句中的 "who",取代了前面泛起的 "the boy",而 who is running 在潤飾 the boy。又因 who 可用 that 替代,因此也可寫成:
The girl's hair is curly(捲髮).
合併為:The girl whose hair is curly is my sister.
兩個句子,用關代連結,可成為:The boy who is running is my brother.

IV. 限制用法

1. I have a brother who lives in Taipei.
2. I have a brother, who lives in Taipei.

The boy is my brother.

釀成:The pen which I am writing with is red.
【解答】可以。因為是 lives in 的受詞,是以全句可改成:The house he lives in is big.


※留意二:who 當受詞時,可以用 whom 替換。


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