

 蕭煌奇 Ricky Hsiao -阿嬤的話 What Grandma Said

在細漢的時陣 阮阿嬤對華碩翻譯社尚好 
When i was young, my grandma treats me very well
She gaveme all the good things to me
She often took me to kindergarten to see people playing
看人在辦公伙兒 看人在覓相找
See people working, and see people meeting each hide and seek
伊定定跟阮說 叫阮著要好好仔讀冊
She always told us to study hard
Do not end up in a difficult situation like your dad
在彼個時陣 阮攏聽攏嘸
During that time, we had no idea what she was talking about
阿嬤 翻譯公司究竟是在講什麼
Grandma, what were you talking about?
大漢了後 才知影阿嬤的話
When I grew up, I finally understand what she said
I will keep them in my heart forever

想到一步一步的曩昔 定定攏會乎人真難忘
Thinking of what we have been through, it is always unforgettable
時候一分一秒塊曩昔 在阮的心內定定攏會想到伊
Every minute and every second passing by翻譯社 we think of her in our heart

阿嬤你今嘛在叨位 阮在叫你翻譯公司甘有聽到
Grandma where are you now ? Can you hear us calling you ? 
阮的認真甲阮的成功你甘有看到 阮在叫翻譯公司你知影沒
Did you see our success? Did you know that we are calling you ? 
阿嬤你今嘛過的好麼 甘有人塊甲你賜顧幫襯
Grandma翻譯社 are you living a good life? Is there anyone take care of you?
但願後世人阮擱會凍來乎你疼 作你永久的孫仔
Hope we would be cared by you in our next life, and be your grand son forever
Calling you grandma again

翻譯 Translated by Albert Rhyme


阿嬤你今嘛在叨位 阮在叫翻譯公司你甘有聽到
Grandma where are you now ? Can you hear us calling you ? 
阮的賣力甲阮的成功翻譯公司甘有看到 阮在叫翻譯公司你知影沒
Did you see our success? Did you know that we are calling you ? 
阿嬤你今嘛過的好麼 甘有人塊甲你賜顧幫襯
Grandma, are you living a good life? Is there anyone take care of you?
希望後衆人阮擱會凍來乎你疼 作你永久的孫仔
Hope we would be cared by you in our next life翻譯社 and be your grand son forever
Just wanna call you grandma again



編輯 Edited by Seth Styles



想到一步一步的曩昔 定定攏會乎人真難忘
Thinking of what we have been through, it is always unforgettable
時間一分一秒塊過去 在阮的心內定定攏會想到伊
Every minute and every second passing by, we think of her in our heart


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